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Bluesky intends their indexing to be used by third parties (write.as)
3 points by ColinWright 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 1 comment | favorite

Actual page title:

Bridging to Bluesky: The open social web, consent, and GDPR

So the title I have provided here is not the title of the page ... I know ... but this is deliberate as the title I've given reflects the issue that drew me to the page. The title I've given is from the article:

"Bluesky gathers posts etc. into a common index that mediates all communication:"

“Each user account has one repository, and it contains all of the actions they have ever performed, minus any records they have explicitly deleted ...

... repositories are public, anybody can crawl and index them using the same protocols as our systems use.”

The article then says:

"The preprint also suggests that it is very much the intention of Bluesky that this infrastructure be used by third parties for purposes unrelated to communication"

Does Bluesky intend to honour any concept of privacy or content?

Quoting from the article:

The Bluesky privacy policy notes:

“Profiles and Posts Are Public. The Bluesky App is a microblogging service for public conversation, so any information you add to your public profile and the information you post on the Bluesky App is public.”

Note also other passages of the privacy policy:

“Business Partners. …We may also share your personal information with business partners with whom we jointly offer products or services.”

Also be worth mentioning this from Bluesky’s privacy policy:

“Do Not Track.” Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. Please note that we currently do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers, as there is no consistent industry standard for compliance.”

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