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Ask HN: AI Calendar Tools – Opinions?
2 points by Running4M 3 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

What are your reasons for caring what other people think?

I ask because those reasons will be most of what determines the success of whatever you build.

Because for potential users there is a world of difference between an ChatGPT connected todo app and an ad supported ChatGPT connected todo app.

Good luck.

I worked on a todo-list app project (to sell ads, didn't work) and saw how the average user manages their tasks. I'd say "flowers mom", "new tyres", "trash day" or sometimes nothing but a name or phone number. An AI would have to make a lot of guesses. I'm doubtful prioritizing tasks against each other works without a huge amount of context. An AI could still help by asking questions back to the user "Is A more important than B?", "What's the timeline on C?", "Can you break down D into actionable sub-tasks?". The user would spend more time in the tool, not less.

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