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Ask HN: Alphabet Sale of Chrome Browser?
2 points by roschdal 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

> Can Alphabet fork Chrome (or Firefox) again, and start a new browser project again?

No, they're entirely prohibited from making a browser for five years.

> Plaintiffs’ PFJ further provides that Google is prohibited from owning not only a browser—following its divestiture of Chrome it may not reenter the browser market for five years—but also from owning or acquiring any investment or interest in any search or search text ad rival, search distributor, or rival query-based AI product or ads technology.

From the ruling: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.223...


That is, if the case survives and is actually enforced. Google will appeal it and/or the new administration might scrap it altogether.

> How does Alphabet sell Chrome as a free and open source browser?

Chrome is not Open Source - Chromium is. My interpretation is that Google may continue the employment of Chromium developers but may not sell or offer the Chrome product that is made using Chromium's components. Someone else will own the Chrome brand and browser, and could even change it to another browser engine if they wanted.

Now, why this is a smart remediation is beyond me. But the actual implications seem to be pretty well-drawn here.

> If Chrome is sold, they could still get the same Google integration?

Even without Chrome being sold, Google already integrates as default for millions of non-Chrome users. It's the default search engine on Firefox and the default Spotlight provider on Apple platforms. Google's profitability will be fine if the DOJ won't go after AdSense - Chrome itself is probably a net loss for Google anyhow. Selling Chrome just helps cement Google's future as a services company.

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