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Show HN (artipixx.com)
1 points by zoombie 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 1 comment | favorite

I was about to tell you to "please use a descriptive title in your submission", like "Show HN: I made a video sharing site for ai videos" or similar. Not only because it helps people reading it, but because it helps you getting clicks.

But I've noticed that the problem is also on the website itself. There's no place in your website -except for a somewhat casual mention hidden in the about section- where you explain what it is. Nowhere says "This is a website to upload and share your AI generated content" or anything similar at all. So what it looks like on first impression is something like a personal collection of a bunch of AI videos. Or a place to search for videos posted somewhere else. Or... I don't really know.

So, I'd suggest you do some manual editing of your AI generated site to include some sort of slogan or maybe a one or two short sentences as introduction right under the title. Or something like that that explains what it is.

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