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Why Australia Is Setting a Minimum Age of 16 for Creating a Social Media Account (www.afterbabel.com)
7 points by paulpauper 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 1 comment | favorite

Nobody in Australia wants this Orwellian surveillance legislation. 15,000 comments, overwhelmingly negative 95%+, in the sneaky 24hr window they allowed for comment at all.

> Nobody in Australia wants this

G'day, Australian here, and I want this legislation.

I'm not sure how much weight I would give to the comments you reference. The large number of responses, to me, points more to the interference of an influential third party who clearly has a conflict of interest, rather than an organic uprising of the Australian population.

Asking for people to verify their age when signing up for a social media account is no more Orwellian than doing the same when buying alcohol, tobacco, or pornography, entering an 18+ venue, etc.

I do have concerns about the implementation- for example, I would prefer that the government provided some kind of age verification platform whereby a site can redirect users for age verification without needing to give a copy of my ID to social media sites directly. In principal though, I'm very in favor of age verification to sign up for social media.

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