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AI is a Thief (itfossil.com)
3 points by itfossil 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 3 comments | favorite

This blog post copies the same old arguments that others have made about "AI" being bad. It also includes direct quotes from other sources right inside of the text. Therefore, this article is not original and the author is a theif! There is no mention of derivative work (let alone any mention about what makes something "original" anyways). It is almost as if the author of the post is trying to cover his own tracks

Quoting is part of fair use ;)

Feel free to keep on trying though!

So let’s get right down to it: If you use AI, you are a thief. If you don’t use AI and you have published content online that can be accessed without going through some sort of paywall, you have probably been robbed. Does this sound extreme? Well I’m truly sorry to say that it isn’t.

To those of you in the know, these statements are likely not going to shock you. The rest of you are likely just shaking your heads in disbelief. So let’s get into the nitty gritty of this. The first step in understanding how I can make such a broad statement and legitimately claim that its accurate is to understand how copyright works...

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