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Probable extinction of influenza B/Yamagata and its public health implications (www.thelancet.com)
12 points by croes 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

if you ask hacker news about the impacts lets say, technology on children plenty of hear hear.

But when you ask hacker news, if the quadrivalent nasal virus mist engineered to only replicate in colder environments, who, for some reason, de-attenuate when mingling with wild type strains .. and you simply point out there’s no control group because there’s only one planet and viruses are global. The down vote is the common response.

But regarding this article, will the quadrivalent flu mist vaccine will be trivalent next year?

Probable or possible?

It would seem incredibly hard to wipe out from a layman’s position.

Even if severely abated it could still come back, no?

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