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Chebyshev Polynomials in the 16th Century (2022) (arxiv.org)
36 points by IdealeZahlen 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 8 comments | favorite

I will always be amazed at these guys who did numerical algorithms before computers were a type of machine.

Something that has always confused me about these Russians, Chebyschev and Krylov, what use did they have for their iterative methods and subspaces? I guess they weren’t solving big sparse linear systems on distributed computers in the year 1900.

"The History of Approximation Theory" by Karl-Georg Steffens is a great reference for historical contexts.

For Chebyshev, who devoted his life to the construction of various 'mechanisms' [1][2], his motivation was to determinine the parameters of mechanisms (that minimizes the maximal error of the approximation on the whole interval).

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanism_(engineering)

[2] https://tcheb.ru/

I was reading a book from the early 1900's, and it referenced using computers to calculate some complex algorithms. Threw me for a loop, and I finally realized the author was talking about people. Apparently it was a thing to send long computations to a room/building full of people and get the answer back.

I wonder if the “programmers” could be much sloppier back then. “Find the eigenvalues? Which ones? You know, the ones we always want!”

I was playing around with an idea that there might be some insight into Fermat primes by looking at products of complex solutions of polynomials of the form x^{2^n)+1=0, and Chebyshev polynomials came up as I was looking at the exact values of those roots.¹² As I recall, looking at finding half angle sines and cosines of increasing fractions, I ended up seeing Chebyshev polynomials emerging from the results.

1. I may have this confused with my similar investigations into Mersenne primes and x^p-1=0.

2. My hypothesis that I could find factors of a Fermat number with n > 5 by multiplying the roots together and setting x = 2 failed on writing a program to actually check the result, but looking back on my memories of doing this, I may have made an error.

Ballistics, celestial bodies, even a ton of competitions between mathematicians. You can trace down analysis concepts to Archimedes easily, but by Descartes (rolling tangent) and eventually Newton / Leibniz who formalized calculus there was a lot of stuff happening. E.g. Descartes was contemporary with Galileo. So applied math and the theoretical part was under natural philosophy that eventually became physics.

Would love to watch a videos on historical math breakthroughs. In the style of Indiana Jones, I mean just told as a big adventure. I used to watch connections and loved it.

You might enjoy the book "The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible"

I second that. I bet such a documentary may even yield insights how to make current scientific breakthroughs

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