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Ask HN: Has just AI it replaced just Google it?
2 points by bloomingkales 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 5 comments | favorite

I work with an engineer fresh out of college. He asks chatGPT literally anything and everything. He has two monitors and one is just chatGPT all the time. I thought i use it quite a bit more than most but for him it’s almost stream of conscious dump to verify his code, various thoughts about the system, anything and everything really.

Maybe not for everyone but at least for him, and quite possibly others, Google isn’t even a thing.

I prefer traditional search engines. I still use google. I'm also perpetually frustrated though...

As a term? No. But I've heard people saying "ask ChatGPT"

Ask Jeeves was ahead of its time, huh?

AI Jeeves would be killing it right now

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