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Mozilla begs courts to allow Google search deal for Firefox to continue (www.osnews.com)
7 points by pjmlp 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 3 comments | favorite

While I started out on the side of DOJ (if only to do _something- about Google’s abusive practices), I’ve come around to the idea that this is a foolish idea. How will chrome support itself? If Android is spun out, how will that make money? Legislation is needed. I won’t pretend to know the answer, but I don’t believe it’s this.

Browsers are infrastructure. I wonder if their development should be financed like other infrastructure projects. Though I don't really know what I am talking about. Who pays for telecommunication cables on the ocean floor?

Well, this is what happens when you depend on Google's money for decades and become complacent with it believing that it lasts forever as it accounts for 80% of Mozilla's revenue, with no replacement for that if the search deal gets cancelled.

The CEO promised to move away from Google and to not solely rely on their revenue 16 years ago [0]. Nothing has changed and now Google is going to get broken up and it includes ending this deal directly affecting Mozilla. It's quite frankly Mozilla's fault for not looking for sustainable sources of income.

Mozilla should really have gone through the Rust consultancy route. Now, there is no way out other than begging to the courts and hoping that it doesn't get cut.

Oh dear.

[0] https://web.archive.org/web/20120105090543/https://www.compu...

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