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Elon Musk wants to block the transfer of InfoWars' X accounts to The Onion (techcrunch.com)
9 points by paulgb 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

I don't know much about law so I do think the arguments presented make sense, the account is owned by X; not really by infowars.

However, I'm pretty sure the name is now owned by the onion so they could argue that "infowars" on X might be impersonating them, which I think other corporations have successfully gotten people removed from the platform for that.

Now, I don't really expect Musk to care about the rules when they don't suit him.

Techcrunch did have the good sense to do this:

> wanted to restore his accounts in the name of “free speech”.

Scare quotes around "free speech" seem entirely warranted in the context of Mr Musk claiming such.

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