cDc will always hold a special nostalgic place with me. Takes me back to middle school and high school in the 90s, well before I knew that I was going to become a programmer - sharing software on floppies and later burnt CDs... Dialing up BBSes... Learning the way of the early web via Webcrawler, Infoseek, ICQ, Usenet, Gopher and the other long forgotten protocols and services. I was obsessed with the idea of hacking... Me and my fellow nerd friends were always coming up with sneaky new ways to infect each other's and the school's PCs with Netbus or Back Orifice... Spreading the good word of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs around town by way of home printed pamphlets so that all may know of Slack. I often miss that earlier time in technology - before the masses could easily "sign on", so long as they have a tablet or smartphone...