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Ask HN: Do you notice that YouTube become better than other social media apps?
1 points by jerawaj740 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

No, it seems worse to me.

I happen to like a particular women's sport. I coach and my kids play at the national level. I watch a lot of videos of plays, coaching, games, player highlights for this sport.

YouTube takes this to mean I am a voyeur who wants to watch women's diving, high jump and beach volleyball. Basically anything with women and bikinis. I constantly have to flag thumbnails as "not interested" and "do not recommend this channel". If I don't I get offered continually more extreme content such as duct tape bikini and see through garment modelling and "try-ons".

I understand that perhaps some people who watch one sport also go on to watch YouTube soft porn but I can't imagine it is a frequent as the way their algorithms push it. I have the same viewing patterns on Facebook and they don't flood my feed with softcore porn. All in all I would say YouTube is worse than others.

I do not notice this, personally. I'm curious what you're seeing that prompted you to ask this?

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