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macOS Tips for Programmers: Threading (blog.xoria.org)
30 points by todsacerdoti 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 6 comments | favorite

> Recommendation: replace your program’s threading with Dispatch.

The Apple assumption that people writing software they want to work on MacOS isn't cross platform strikes again.

Pthreads are available and work fine if you want cross-platform code.

libdispatch is open-source and cross platform though.

Heh, news to me. I've always stuck with OpenMP for cross platform across Mac/Windows/Linux

Apple specifically compiles OpenMP support out of their builds of clang, so that's never been an easy solution on macOS. Even worse if you want to run on other Apple platforms where an external compiler can't be used.

In practice the software I’ve worked on has typically been engineering/scientific. Back in older pre-ARM days that meant Intel compiler toolchain on all platforms.

Apple loves making stuff for middleware developers.

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