Thanks a lot, seems like i forgot to point the apex domain to the www version. It should be fixed now. If not, should work until I got it fixed.
Hello HN, realized I should introduce myself and not just my project. I building stuff on the web and this is the second time something I created actually goes LIVE.
Before this I created a website displaying snow conditions for a few hundred locations in Sweden. I love skiing and ski-touring and wanted a better way to find the best conditions.
Right now I don't have much time to work on my projects since I'm doing mandatory millitary service, which is part of the reason took so long to launch. But I'm hoping I might soon make my first buck selling zeros and ones.
I signed up for an account and it seems you are showing a code snippet with an API key for client-side code. How do you handle authorization? Can anybody use up my 50k events if they steal the key?