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How do I pay the publisher of a web page? (sethmlarson.dev)
3 points by SethMLarson 3 hours ago | hide | past | web | 2 comments | favorite

A problem that I dearly wanted to address as a founder (and CTO) of a small e-money issuer many years ago, bit could not. Something that British Telecom's Prestel had working in the 1980s...

Note that RSS 'podcasting 2.0' does have some payment stuff which could catch on, though is not precise enough to automate (micro) payments.

Oh really, podcasting 2.0 has payments? I need to look at that.

A big motivator for me is that I know I spend a lot on web creators already, but I want to spend money across more creators without necessarily linearly increasing my spend. Managing tons of tiny subscriptions is much harder without book-keeping technology. Having something machine-readable to help with that mission would be great.

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