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Ubitium is developing 'universal' processor combining CPU, GPU, DSP, and FPGA (www.tomshardware.com)
21 points by LorenDB 3 hours ago | hide | past | web | 6 comments | favorite

The CTO Martin Vorbach published some research on reconfigurable processors 20 years ago: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C44&q=Mar...

"Ubititum claims all of the transistors in its Universal Processor can be reused for everything; no “specialized cores” like those in CPUs and GPUs are required."

One has doubts, especially with only $3.7 million in funding so far.

I recall that Sun's MAJC processor had functional/instruction units that were generic - there weren't dedicated floating point or integer or simd units, they could all operate on any instruction.

Could you go into a little more depth about how what they're building is anything different from an FPGA.

FPGA's are basically a matrix of interconnected MUXs and LUTs, providing whatever functionality a designer may require, that fits in it's die.

If you mean about the Ubitium, then no - other than what's in the article.

If you mean more in depth about MAJC, then also no - I read an Ars Technica article around about it (and Itanium) around 25 years ago, when it came out and also the Wikipedia page.

I have no EE or CPU design background, I'd imagine most people would know far more than me. I just remembered the 'generic instruction unit' from MAJC and if this was something superficially similar but at the processor 'core' level.

Which makes me remember Tachyum, and their universal Prodigy CPU, which is in a constant state of "we just need 5 more minutes, and we are done"...

that's a really long winded way of saying "SoC with FPGA".

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