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Mark–Scavenge: Waiting for Trash to Take Itself Out (inside.java)
30 points by vips7L 1 hour ago | hide | past | web | 3 comments | favorite

> Modern garbage collection assumes that the weak generational hypothesis holds and that most objects die young

Aside, I'm curious how first-class support for value types and Go-style stack allocation via escape analysis changes the value proposition of the generational hypothesis. If we hypothesize that short-lived objects are local to a single function scope (and thus eligible for stack allocation either explicitly via a value type or heuristically via escape analysis) then it might completely upend the generational hypothesis and make it so that relatively more long-lived objects are getting heap-allocated. Surely someone's done some studies on this?

What a time to be alive, I read it the opening fully expecting to see an open source automated trashcan and takes itself to the curb each Monday. I was disappointed to find out it is an actual garbage collection algorithm.

I know this is completely off-topic, but you might be interested in this[1] YouTuber who did something not far off that...

1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhYEOG9LOIk

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