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Php.net Is Down (www.php.net)
17 points by sschueller 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 8 comments | favorite

Maybe they saw the "php is deprecated" post from a few hours ago, and they were like

  > Oh, why no one told us? Everyone, thanks for the work, but that's it, the project is over. The webserver is now a minecraft server.

I'm no fan of PHP but let's give them a break. It's Sunday and while having the docs down is unfortunate this basically doesn't matter.

It's run by Nexcess.net (or was, the last time I checked). Wonder if the whole hosting service is down?

I'm sure being on the frontpage of HN isn't helping much.

It was reported 9 hours ago... and it's still down?

Well, there goes my Sunday. I guess it’s off to the horse track instead.

Coincidence this happens after the 8.4 update? We'll see.

Go learn Go. :)

Yes,it's down.

yep. this checks out

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