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Ask HN: Best Minimal Blog Site?
5 points by joeyagreco 1 day ago | hide | past | web | 11 comments | favorite


It's written in go but what's great about it, unlike many competitors written in Javascript or Python, is that it is just a simple binary you download and run, you do not need to get a PhD in the go build system to start a web site also it is crazy fast. It can publish a site to something like S3 or Azure Storage behind a CDN and you do not have to worry about anything other than paying the storage and bandwidth bills.

Myself I've been procrastinating on getting myself a blog and my take is Hugo is not customizable enough for me without learning a lot of Go, so I have looked at are either Python-based or oriented towards scientific publishing oriented systems such as




(I want to write stuff like https://ontology2.com/essays/PropertiesColorsAndThumbnails.h...)

I've given this list to people in your shoes and they usually react with information overload


part of that is that there are 355 generators (there have to be some good ones in there somewhere) but it also uses the kind of miscommunication patterns we're used to in webtech where, for instance, you'd think they are pushing Javascript down your throat (the "J" stands for Javascript but the generators I've mentioned generate mostly HTML with just a little Javascript.)

Pick something simple and run with it, if I did that 2 years ago I'd be blogging now.

+1 for Hugo -- have personally had a great experience compared to other tools

I also really liked using Docsify for a while. For a personal blog, it works great.


There's a template to get you started really quickly: https://github.com/Wisp-CMS/nextjs-blog-cms-wisp


your data are stored in your github repository. minimalist. support markdown.


My personal blog inspired by Medium.

Prose.sh is as minimalist as you can get it

http://web1.0hosting.net/ Web 1.0 Hosting - is an advanced static hosting with some predefined most necessary ready-made scripts, a smallweb project that makes it possible to access static websites from old devices such as retro computers, old operating systems, palmtops, and cellular phones as part of an initiative to save the old web and support the smallweb movement. Hosting of modern websites and the use of modern technologies are also permitted. There is also a search engine, web mail and web chat, working on both modern and legacy systems.

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