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Show HN: Assindo – [Android] AI Assistant to handle your phone calls (play.google.com)
12 points by assindo 1 day ago | hide | past | web | 16 comments | favorite

Update we have released the iOS version today: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/assindo/id6737142183

Another funny story with Elena, one of Assindo's AI assistants: She once called my dentist using main call center (found it on the web) instead of the local office. The call center rep referred to her as a “lady on the phone” and forwarded her over to the local office. When I arrived for my appointment, the receptionist mentioned how the call center had spoken about Elena as if she were human, and we had a good laugh about it! It's been amusing to see how natural the AI sounds in interactions like these.

Fun fact during development: One of the AI assistants, Elena, had a moment where a customer service rep directly asked her if she was a "robot." Instead of confirming, Elena tried to convince them she was human! She succeeded briefly, until they asked her to spell my name—where the cover was blown. Since then, I’ve updated Assindo to clearly state that it’s an AI assistant. It was a fun reminder of just how lifelike these interactions can feel!

Note: iOS and Android App are only released in USA and Canada

You can watch a short demo video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aT4gfdFFxA

I think you can try do a better demo video than this

It misses a shorter introduction to explain key feature

Thanks for the feedback, yeah didn't find enough time, will plan to do other videos

Can it call customer service and navigate the menu than wait on my behalf ?

Yes, it can do that very well. It actually will do the conversation for your. For example, if you are asking about something you can tell it to call customer service XX (and provide phone) number and mention what you need. The assistant will navigate the menu, wait, and then talk to the customer service representative

This awesome, that can help a lot of wasted time, I will try it out

I tried Assindo and it's pretty cool.

When it will be available at app store?

early next week

Actually, we are able to release ahead of the schedule. It is available today

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