Having some issues with it, but might be my error ;)
The pip-installed (in a venv) version will complain about missing data/theme.json, and then crash.
So then I did the git-clone, pip-install variant, that starts. Interface is very minimal. After pointing it to my sshfs mount (~/mnt/Audio), it will list directories, but won't find a single file, strange.
Copy the an directory of audiofiles to /tmp, browse there, it works. Very strange.
Very nice. You could throw this on a Spotify Car thing.
Would love to see this land on a Pi Zero 2 inside a husked out iPod classic and a skinable UI to boot.
@gvy_dvpont (@dupontgu ?), did this a few years ago back with a Pi Zero one, but I believe the project has suffered a bit from hardware compatibility decay.
Wow I just checked out what spotdl does, had never heard of it before. Pretty darn cool! Is there a similar tool that can do the same but instead of for Spotify, for actual YT playlists or actual albums from YT music?
But also, it really didn't add anything to the discussion even if that wasn't the intention. Hence the second point I added from the guidelines. So, I see two potential areas of improvement.
Getting all guideliney on fluffy positive comments mostly defeats the purpose of getting all guideliney - the billowing clouds of meta that tends to generate are worse (guideline-worse, no less!) than the fluffy comment itself.
Possibly, but "Cool..." is hardly adding any value, whatsoever. In this case the poster should've simply said nothing unless they had something of value to say. This is sort of the second point I was quoting. There are a number of points in the guidelines that try to get people to add value to the conversation.
> the billowing clouds of meta that tends to generate are worse (guideline-worse, no less!) than the fluffy comment itself.
Well, at the end of the day you contributed to that with your own comment.
Just because someone is confident about their own weird interpretation of something on the Internet does not make it true.
I (and lot of people I know) use elipsis in writing all the time... usually to indicate a pause or change of direction from the previous thought. If I am in a hurry to get technical details down in text and off to some team, worrying about 100% correct proper writing style is time and luxury that I almost NEVER have.
And besides, unless you work in a law office or something, email is NOT a formal communications method. Grammar and spelling should be within acceptable limits but not a deal-breaker. Otherwise you'd be skating near the principle of judging a book by its cover which would be very un-woke.
> Just because someone is confident about their own weird interpretation of something on the Internet does not make it true.
Agreed. Though in the case of “cool…” there is precedent. For example, John Oliver says it sarcastically¹ with some regularity. Well, he can’t say the ellipsis, but it’s how I’d have written it.
Either way, I’m agreeing with you. People also think that putting a period at the end of a text message is rude², which is bonkers to me³. Soon we won’t be able to use any punctuation without it being considered dismissive⁴.
A good rulem of thumb I've found is, if your comment doesn't bring any value and could be taken as rude or flippant, then there's no need to post it. IMO this "Cool..." fits that description pretty well. Nothing to do with "woke" etc. Just doesn't bring any value.
I assumed positive intent when you said "cool" but the academic dissection of your use of the ellipsis makes me feel like a simpleton. I'm tired of this combative shit HN.
I don't think you'll find out anything you not already know:
+ spotdl search is nice
+ tkinter surprisingly doesn't look as ugly as usual
- no rewind or fastforward, nigher is it possible to click somewhere in the track progress bar to jump to.
- "about" button does nothing
- /tmp is littered with covers cause they are created each time you click on a track
- if you first used <F8>/<F9> or the previous/next buttons and then you hit <space>, besides pause/play it causes a strange behavior: some random track in the playlist is get marked as an active one.