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Ask HN: When working with a potential cofounder, when do you share code?
1 points by denvermullets 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 1 comment | favorite

I think you to need to sit down and have a very serious chat with your potential cofounder and figure out what he is thinking about and set some mutual expectations. Starting a company with someone is a huge deal (people compare it to getting married for a reason) so you're hurting yourself if you don't get to the root of this decisively and together.

To me, your cofounder's ask is suspicious. On the other hand, execution over time is what builds a business so the worst case of getting betrayed right now isn't really that impactful (and sooner is better if it is going to happen). If you believe 110% in this idea then you can keep pushing it forward regardless.

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