They will be HUMONGOUS because they need a large surface to radiate away the heat for the passive safety, so they can't be easily put into a containment building.
A core of a PWR plant is _tiny_ for the amount of power it produces (around 3GWt!), just around 5 meters in diameter and 15 meters in height.
The pebble bed reactor in the article (HTR-PM) is around the same size, but it produces a mere 0.25 GWt.
Pebbles themselves are also problematic, they tend to swell, crack, and they can't be reprocessed using the current technologies. They MASSIVELY increase the amount of waste.
So for a 3GW pebble bed reactor, we’re looking at a core the size of small house instead of a master bedroom? I don’t see a huge difference here; it’s the same amount of everything else (cooling, pumps, turbines, security) since it produces the same amount of heat/power.
Seems like that would be fine for places where you have < 0.25GWt energy needs, and need a safe power source. Like remote installations/towns. Antarctic research stations, etc.
gigawatt thermal (as opposed to gigawatt electric. gigawatt thermal is the heat your power plant makes, whereas gigawatt electric is the electricity that the heat is used to generate.)
The reactor vessel is humongous, so the natural convective cooling can carry away the decay heat. The pebbles themselves can tolerate extremely high temperatures (literally glowing white-hot) without burning.
> As the temperature rises, neutron absorption increases, reducing fission and thus temperature.
Negative fuel temperature coefficient is not an unusual feature.
The real question is whether the heat removal system of the reactor as a whole is sufficient to remove the decay heat to keep the fuel within the limits.
Can pebble beds have a cooldown pan similar to a LFTR, where a plug melts and the "pebbles" fall and spread into a pan where they won't stay critical because they are too separated / unconcentrated?
Because the real problem with solid rods is that they ... are solid rods, and if they start "overreacting" you can't split up the rods, unlike a pile of pebbles/spheres.
The unique "melt plug" safety story of LFTRs is mostly a fairy tale.
Modern PWRs also have this safety feature, if a core melts down, the molten mass will be contained in a core catcher. Where it'll be mixed with inert material that can provide enough surface area and thermal mass to prevent further fuel mass migration.
The biggest problem in the core catcher design was to make sure that the molten fuel lava spreads out enough for the passive cooling to stop it from melting through concrete.
Pebble bed reactors will have a similar problem. You can "drain" pebble beds somewhere, but then you need to make sure that this "somewhere" can conduct away the decay heat without melting.